November 7, 2008

The Pain of Women's Hair Loss

When we think of hair loss, often our first thought is that of balding men. However, if you ask any hair loss clinic in the United States, they will tell you that half of their clientele are women. Women suffer hair loss differently than do men. Often, they are not candidates for some of the hair loss options available to men. That's why it's important if you're a woman to get answers for what is going to work for you.

In the production of HAIR LOSS CONFIDENTIAL, we've seen first-hand the anguish that many women suffer because of their hair loss. For instance, society treats men with hair loss differently than we do women with thinning hair. This often leads to embarrasment and shame for woman with thinning hair. One of the main goals of HAIR LOSS CONFIDENTIAL, is to educate the public that hair loss with women is natural. It happens because of many different reasons including pregnancy, menopause, medical issues and side effects from medications. There is no reason to be ashamed. If you are suffering from hair loss there are effective options available to you. Find out about them. There really is no reason to suffer for even one more day!

Yvonne Marchese
Production Supervisor

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